# Desolid CLI

# Installation

npm inistall -g desolid

# Usage

For starting Desolid the only input argument is the root directory which by defualt is current working directory.

the root directory must contain at least the schema.graphl file.

# Starting on the current directory

For a quick usage without installation you can use NPX command

npx desolid

Or if you installed desolid as a global NPM package, you may use:


which must output like this:

  ____                         _   _       _ 
 |  _ \    ___   ___    ___   | | (_)   __| |
 | | | |  / _ \ / __|  / _ \  | | | |  / _` |
 | |_| | |  __/ \__ \ | (_) | | | | | | (_| |
 |____/   \___| |___/  \___/  |_| |_|  \__,_|
🤖 Desolid: Single file self hosted backend as a service
🔥 v0.2.11 running in "win32" on "./home/user/app"

[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Compiling Schema ...
[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  WARN  Authentication Secret value didn't set into configuration file. the genrated JWT tokens will expire on every restart.
[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Connecting to database ...
[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Connected to "sqlite://./databse.sqlite"
[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Starting server ...
[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Server is running on http://localhost:3000
[2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  🚀 in 488ms

# Starting on a custom directory

For starting Desolid on a custom directory you can use -p or --path argumant:

npx desolid --path /custom/path/api

# Getting version

For getting Desolid version you can use -v or --version argumant:

npx desolid --version

# Getting usage instructions help

For getting usage instructions help you can use -h or --help argumant:

npx desolid --help