# Getting Started

Let's create an api for a blog service:

  1. Install NodeJS

  2. Create a desolid schema file: schema.graphql

    extend enum UserGroup {
    extend type User
            CREATE: [Admin, Editor]
            READ: [Admin, "$user.id == {{id}}"]
            UPDATE: [Admin, "$user.id == {{id}}"]
            DELETE: [Admin] #
        ) {
        phone: PhoneNumber! @unique
        avatar: File @upload(accept: ["image/jpeg"], size: { max: 5, min: 0.1 })
    This is a description of a Post
    type Post
            READ: [Admin, Editor, "{{published}} || $user.id == {{author.id}}"]
            CREATE: [Admin, Editor, "$user.group == 'Author' && !$input.published"]
            UPDATE: [Admin, Editor, "$user.id == {{author.id}} && !$input.published"]
            DELETE: [Admin, Editor, "!{{published}} && $user.id == {{author.id}}"] #
        ) {
        id: ID!
        createdAt: DateTime!
        updatedAt: DateTime!
        author: User!
        title: String!
        content: String!
        published: Boolean!
        categories: [Category]
    This is a description of a Category
    type Category
            CREATE: [Admin, Editor]
            UPDATE: [Admin, Editor]
            DELETE: [Admin, Editor] #
        ) {
        id: ID!
        createdAt: DateTime!
        updatedAt: DateTime!
        name: String!
        posts: [Post]
  3. Run this command on your terminal

    npx desolid
    • Compiles the schema and creates CRUDs
    • Creates and uses by default a SQLite database on the root ./database.sqlite
    • Stores files under ./upload directory
    • Logs errors and warnings on ./desolid.log file
    • Must output something like this:
    ____                         _   _       _
    |  _ \    ___   ___    ___   | | (_)   __| |
    | | | |  / _ \ / __|  / _ \  | | | |  / _` |
    | |_| | |  __/ \__ \ | (_) | | | | | | (_| |
    |____/   \___| |___/  \___/  |_| |_|  \__,_|
    🤖 Desolid: Single file self hosted backend as a service
    🔥 v0.2.11 running in "win32" on "./home/user/app"
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Compiling Schema ...
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  WARN  Authentication Secret value didn't set into configuration file. the genrated JWT tokens will expire on every restart.
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Connecting to database ...
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Connected to "sqlite://./databse.sqlite"
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Starting server ...
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  Server is running on http://localhost:3000
    [2020-05-20 10:38:57]  INFO  🚀 in 488ms
  4. Open http://localhost:3000/ on your browser.