# Built in Models

Which you can extend them or make a relation with them within your schema.

# Models

# User

type User
        CREATE: [Admin]
        READ: [Admin, "$user.id == {{id}}"]
        UPDATE: [Admin, "$user.id == {{id}}"]
        DELETE: [Admin]
    ) {
    id: ID!
    createdAt: DateTime!
    updatedAt: DateTime!
    email: EmailAddress! @unique
    password: Password!
    group: UserGroup!
    name: String!

# File

Base File Model
type File
        CREATE: [Admin] #
        UPDATE: [Admin]
        DELETE: [Admin]
    ) {
    id: ID!
    createdAt: DateTime!
    updatedAt: DateTime!
    name: String!
    mimetype: String!
    size: Int # Bytes
    path: String! @unique

# Enums

# UserGroup

enum UserGroup {
    System Administrator
    Authenticated User

# Extending Built in Models/Enums

You can extend any one of built in models. just notice 3 things:

  • Attributes (columns) of the model will merge with base
  • All directives of the new will shallow merge with the base ones
  • Enum items will append to the base


The known issue here is that, you don't can change directives (including authorization rulls) of any model without adding or overriding a new field.